Eye Health

Eye Problems and Diseases

Have questions about an eye condition or vision problem? Browse our extensive list of doctor-written and doctor-reviewed articles for reliable, easy-to-understand information.

Please keep in mind that these articles are for general education purposes only. If you suspect you have an eye condition or vision problem or you have injured your eye, see an eye doctor immediately.


Acanthamoeba Keratitis
A rare but serious eye infection associated with poor contact lens hygiene and other factors.

Amblyopia ( Lazy Eye )
Amblyopia is a vision development problem in infants and young children that can lead to permanent vision loss. Learn the symptoms, causes and treatments.

Usually caused by an irregular cornea, astigmatism causes blur at all distances. 

Bell's Palsy
This condition causes sudden paralysis of one side of the face. Because it affects blinking, it can cause severe dry eye.

Inflammation of the eyelids associated with chronic eye irritation, watery eyes, foreign body sensation, sensitivity to light and crusty debris at the base of the eyelashes.

Blurry Vision
Blurry vision has many causes, from fatigue and eyestrain to serious eye diseases such as glaucoma. A video helps explain blurry vision causes and treatments.

The risk of cataracts increases with age. Learn what causes them and how to protect your eyes.

A swollen bump in the eyelid. Learn about causes and treatments.

Color Blindness
Learn the varieties of color vision deficiency and how to cope with color blindness.

Common Eye Disorder
How to identify and manage everyday eye problems.

Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye) 
What you can do about redness, swelling, itching and tearing of pink eye. Also read about pink eye treatment and the various conjunctivitis types

Cornea Transplant
Eye injuries and diseases like keratoconus may require a cornea transplant, using healthy tissue from an eye donor.

Corneal Ulcer
Treatment may help prevent scarring on your eye.

Detached Retina
Flashes of light and floating spots are classic warning signs of a detached retina — get them checked out ASAP. 

Diabetic Retinopathy
Damage to the eye's retina due to diabetes. 

Diplopia ( Double Vision )
Many conditions cause double vision, including stroke and cataracts. What to do.

Dry Eye Infographic
Learn eight symptoms, causes and steps to managing dry eye.

Dry Eye Syndrome
Why eyes get dry. Read about eye drops, tear duct (punctal) plugs and nutritional supplements for more eye moisture. 

Eye Allergies
Itchy, red, swollen, tearing eyes may mean eye allergies. 

Eye Herpes
Ocular herpes is a recurrent viral infection that may lead to serious vision loss. Read how herpes of the eye is transmitted and treated.

Eye Infection
Learn about bacterial, viral and fungal eye infections, including symptoms.

Eye Injury: A guide to treatment
Accidents cause many kinds of eye injuries, from corneal scratches to penetrating wounds. What to do for an eye emergency.

Eye Pain
How to know if a painful eye is an emergency.

Eye Twitching
Eyelid twitches, tics and spasms are maddening. Here are common causes.

Floaters, Flashes and Spots
Eye floaters and flashes may be harmless, or they may signal a serious problem, like a detached retina.

Fuchs' Corneal Dystrophy
Causes loss of vision and clouding of the cornea due to degeneration of the corneal endothelium and corneal edema.

Glaucoma damages the optic nerve and diminishes the field of vision. 

Higher - Order Aberrations
Higher-order aberrations (HOAs) are vision errors causing poor night vision or double images.

Hyperopia ( Farsightedness )
Farsighted people can have poor near vision or blurred vision at all distances.

Special contact lenses can help this condition that changes the shape of your eye. 

Age Macular Degeneration ( AMD )
Macular degeneration is the leading cause of severe vision loss in people over age 60. It occurs when the small central portion of the retina, known as the macula, deteriorates.

Macular Dystrophy 
Central vision loss can be associated with this inherited eye disease.

Macular Hole
Suddenly blurry or distorted vision, especially in seniors and diabetics, may mean a macular hole.

Myopia ( Nearsightedness )
Nearsighted people can see fine up close, but distant objects are a blur.

Uncontrollable eye movements from nystagmus often have neurological causes.

Ocular Hypertension
High eye pressure has no symptoms, but can be easily detected in an eye exam. Learn what can be done to prevent glaucoma and possible eye damage.

Ocular Migraine
Ocular migraine causes a sensation of looking through shattered glass. What's happening?

Ocular Rosacea
How to solve eye and eyelid irritation.

Optics Neuritis and Optics Neuropathy
An inflamed optic nerve can cause blurry vision and blind spots.

Peripheral Vision Loss
"Tunnel vision" can have various causes, including glaucoma.

Photophobia ( Light Sensitivity )
Sensitive to light? Many eye conditions can cause this problem.

Pinguecula & Pterygium
Pingueculae and pterygia are growths on the eye. Are they serious?

All about this normal age-related loss of focusing ability that becomes noticeable after age 40. 

Ptosis ( Drroping Eyelid )
Drooping eyelids can be corrected with eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty).

Red Eye
Red eyes can be caused by allergies, eye infections and eye injuries. Learn more causes of red eye and how to treat bloodshot eyes.

Retinitis Pigmentosa
Poor night vision and a narrowing field of vision beginning in childhood herald this rare disorder. 

Sjogren's Syndrome
Dry eye is a common symptom of this autoimmune disorder.

Sleep in Your Eyes
Do you often wake up with sticky, slimy, crusty "eye gunk"? This article explains where eye discharge comes from and when it's cause for alarm.

Stargardt's Disease ( STGD )
A form of macular degeneration that affects children and young people.

Key facts about strabismus and crossed eyes, including causes and treatments (strabismus surgery, vision therapy and orthoptics).

Strabimus Surgery
These procedures adjust eye muscles to straighten misaligned eyes. 

What causes styes in your eyelid — and how to prevent and treat them.

Subconjuctival Hemorrhage
Sudden redness in the white of your eye may be a subconjunctival hemorrhage.

Swollen Eyelids
Swollen eyes have many causes. Here are tips for prevention and treatment.

Uveitis, Iritis and Eye Inflammation
Painful inflammation of the uvea causes light sensitivity, floaters and blurred vision.

Vitrectomy and Vitreoretinal Procedure
These delicate surgical procedures for macular holes, retinal detachments and other conditions are performed in the eye's deep interior.





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Eye Health
+6019 2877 766