Preventing Eye Injuries

Preventing Eye Injuries

Experts say more than 90 percent of eye injuries can be prevented by simply taking a few precautions and wearing safety glasses.

If you use a lawn mower, leaf-blower, drill or similar power tools, you need protective eyewear. These glasses should have a snug, wrap-style frame to decrease the likelihood of small, airborne particles getting behind the lenses.

If you wear corrective lenses, hardware stores sell inexpensive goggles that will usually fit over your glasses. But a better and more comfortable option is to purchase a pair of customized safety eyewear with polycarbonate lenses from an eye care practitioner.


Common Risk Factors for Occupational Eye Injuries Include Working Overtime

Want to reduce eye injury risk where you work? Step one is to wear appropriate protective eyewear. But consider these eye injury risk factors as well:

Construction worker yawning.

  • Being distracted
  • Using tools
  • Tool malfunction
  • Performing an unfamiliar task
  • Being rushed
  • Working overtime
  • Feeling fatigued

These are all important contributors to on-the-job eye injuries, according to a study of patients treated in the emergency department at an Alabama eye hospital. A report of the study appeared in the January 2012 issue of the Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine. — L.S.

Eye Safety and Air Bags

Since 1989, when air bags were first required in autos sold in the United States, these safety devices have saved thousands of lives. But there has been plenty of controversy about the risk/reward of air bags; many people have sustained significant injuries from them, and deaths have even been attributed to air bag deployment.


Moral of the Story? Air Bags Deploy Fast!

Eye imprinted with texture from automobile air bag
Image: The New England Journal of Medicine.

This dramatic photo shows what happens when an air bag hits the eye before there's even time to blink. A teen girl's eye, enhanced by fluorescent dye administered by a medical professional, shows the imprint of the nylon mesh material of the air bag cover in a Michigan auto crash.

Fortunately, the girl's eye injuries healed quickly, but others have not been so lucky and have lost their vision from the explosive force of an air bag.

A report of this incident appeared in June 2014 in the New England Journal of Medicine. — L.S.

Newer vehicles are equipped with air bags that deploy with less force than first-generation bags, making them safer.

Though it's possible to sustain a corneal abrasion or other eye injury from your vehicle's air bags during an accident, you would be at risk of much more serious injuries (including eye injuries from a shattered windshield) without these safety devices when traveling at highway speeds.

To reduce your risk of injury to your eyes and head from air bags:

  • Make sure you are wearing your seatbelt and that it's properly adjusted.
  • Adjust the headrest of your seat for proper support.
  • Sit at least 10 inches away from the steering wheel.
  • Don't smoke while driving.
  • Have children sit in the back seat with seatbelts and safety seats properly adjusted.

Laser Pointers

Laser pointers shine a focused beam of high intensity light, usually red, and are commonly used in corporate and classroom presentations to highlight specific points or images on media screens.

Looking directly at the light beam of a laser pointer can cause temporary vision loss and even permanent damage to the retina. This was learned after children and young adults began purchasing laser pointers and using them as toys.

Also, laser pointers began to be used as sighting devices for paintball guns. Because of the potential for eye injuries, the FDA has now mandated that laser pointers carry warning labels mentioning possible retinal damage.

In 2010, the American Academy of Ophthalmology issued a consumer warning about high-powered laser pointers that are even more dangerous than other types. The organization cited the case of a teenaged boy who suffered retinal injuries while playing with the pointer in front of a mirror. The case was reported in the Sept. 8 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine.

The U.S. legal limit for handheld laser power is 5 mW, but the injured boy had purchased a 150 mW device on the Internet. Often such devices are advertised as toys and are not labeled as hazardous.

The Academy advised not pointing lasers near the eye or near reflective surfaces.


The American Academy of Ophthalmology has some useful eye safety tips for everything from mowing the lawn to recharging a dead car battery:

Check for rocks and debris before mowing the lawn or trimming the hedges. These objects can become dangerous projectiles when shot out from lawn mowers and trimmers such as weed whackers. Don't forget to wear goggles.

Bungee cords are a common cause of severe eye injuries. Wear eye protection when using bungee cords.

Buy safe toys for kids, avoiding those with sharp edges. (Read more about toys and eye safety, plus toys to avoid to keep children's eyes safe.)

Never use fireworks. Even sparklers burn hot enough to melt gold.

Keep a pair of safety glasses or goggles with your jumper cables, and follow instructions carefully when jump-starting a dead car battery.

Be careful with household chemicals, since many can burn your eyes' delicate tissues. Always wear goggles, read instructions carefully, work in well ventilated areas and make sure the nozzle is pointed away from you.

Always wear appropriate eye protection when playing sports. (Read more about protective sports eyewear.)

Have fun in the sun, but always wear sunglasses that block 99 to 100 percent of UV-A and UV-B rays when outdoors for extended times. — L.S.

Champagne Corks

During a celebration, you're probably not thinking about eye damage. But a flying cork from a bottle of champagne can rupture an eyeball, cause a detached retina, dislocate the eye's lens, damage the orbital bone structure and more. Serious vision loss can result from these injuries.

Watch this video on how to open a champagne bottle without causing eye injury. (Source: eyeSmart)

According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, this happens more often with champagne and sparkling wine bottles that haven't been fully chilled, because the corks come out much more forcefully. It is recommended that you chill the beverages to 45 degrees Fahrenheit or colder before you open them.

To prevent eye injury, follow these instructions provided by the Academy :

  • Don't shake the bottle before opening it, because this just increases the speed at which the cork leaves the bottle.
  • Point the cork away from yourself and others while opening the bottle.
  • Place a towel over the cork, and keep your palm on the cork as you twist the bottle, rather than pushing under the cork. Don't worry, it will still make that delightful "pop," and you and your friends will be much safer!


Injuries to Body Parts from Fireworks
  • Males sustained 57 percent of fireworks-related injuries; females accounted for 43 percent.
  • An estimated 40 percent of the injuries occurred in children younger than age 15, and 51 percent occurred in people under 20.
  • The eye injuries were caused mostly by sparklers and Roman candles. Some 100 were caused by public displays, another 100 by bottle rockets and 200 by unspecified fireworks. The eye injuries were mostly contusions, lacerations and foreign bodies in the eye, but many were burns as well.
  • For children under 5 years old, sparklers accounted for the largest number of injuries (79 percent of the total for that age group), with firecrackers coming in second (11 percent).
  • The parts of the body most often injured by fireworks were: hands and fingers (36 percent); head, face and ears (22 percent); eyes (16 percent); legs (14 percent); trunk/other (7 percent); and arms (5 percent). About 62 percent of all the injuries were burns.

The American Academy of Ophthalmology offers these safety tips for preventing eye injuries from fireworks:

  • Never let children play with fireworks.
  • View fireworks from at least 500 feet away.
  • Only trained professionals should light fireworks.
  • Don't touch any unexploded fireworks remains. Instead, notify the fire or police department.

Eye Injuries Related to Paintball

Without proper eye and head protection, people can receive devastating injuries from paintball guns. Some guns are capable of propelling paint pellets at speeds over 180 mph.

The most important rule for paintball is this: Never take off your head shield, which should combine eye and ear protection. Commercial paintball fields require that you keep a head shield on at all times when you're in the playing area, even when a game has not yet begun. Most documented paintball-related eye injuries have occurred when players removed their shields, even for just a few seconds.

Paintball injuries include traumatic cataracts, detached retinas, hyphema (bleeding inside the eye), glaucoma, orbital (eye socket) blowout fractures and rupturing of the eyeball. Paintball-related eye injuries can result in permanent vision loss and even blindness.

If you're still not convinced of the importance of wearing protective gear while playing paintball, consider these statistics:

In a 2007 retrospective study of paintball-related eye injuries treated at Bascom Palmer Eye Institute (Miami), 86 percent (31) of the patients were men, and only one had been wearing protective eyewear. Among this group of injuries, surgery was required to treat 81 percent of the cases.

Eight eyes (22 percent) were so badly damaged that they had to be surgically removed. Even after treatment, vision was 20/200 or worse (legally blind) in 18 (50 percent) of the injured eyes, according to the study.

The common warning that you'll "put an eye out" if you're not careful actually can be true, particularly when you are engaged in certain types of work, home and sports activities. Unlike other parts of the body that can heal after a serious injury, your unprotected eye — and your vision — may never fully recover from certain wounds.


How to Keep Your Eyes (and Other Body Parts) Safe When Frying a Turkey

The trend of deep-frying a turkey for Thanksgiving, Christmas and other holiday dinners is growing, and so is the number of turkey fryer-related fires and burns, says the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. Over the past 10 years, the agency has received reports of more than 141 such incidents.

Want to keep eyes safe while frying a turkey? Dr. Richard L. Gamelli of Stritch School of Medicine, Loyola University Chicago, offers these and other tips for frying the bird and not your eyes:

How to Keep Your Eyes (and Other Body Parts) Safe When Frying a Turkey

The trend of deep-frying a turkey for Thanksgiving, Christmas and other holiday dinners is growing, and so is the number of turkey fryer-related fires and burns, says the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. Over the past 10 years, the agency has received reports of more than 141 such incidents.

Turkey feast.
Keep your turkey feast eye injury-free!

Want to keep eyes safe while frying a turkey? Dr. Richard L. Gamelli of Stritch School of Medicine, Loyola University Chicago, offers these and other tips for frying the bird and not your eyes:

  • Keep kids and pets away.
  • Put on safety goggles or safety glasses.
  • Use a fryer with a sealed lid.
  • Don't overfill the fryer with oil; if oil spills on a burner, it will ignite.
  • Thaw the turkey completely, and wipe off marinade and other moisture before placing it in hot oil.
  • Raise and lower the turkey slowly and carefully to avoid oil splatter.
  • If the oil overheats, turn off the fryer.
  • Have a fire extinguisher appropriate for oil fires nearby, and know how to use it.
  • Don't use a water hose on a turkey fryer fire.
  • If anyone is burned, get medical attention immediately.

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Preventing Eye Injuries
+6019 2877 766